County Government of Nyeri


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County Government of Nyeri


About Us


Nyeri county is located in the former Central Province of Kenya about 153km North of Nairobi. It has a population of 759,164(based on the 2019 census) and has its headquarters in Nyeri town.


A wealthy county with happy, healthy, and secure people.


To create and sustain an environment that unlocks the potential of the people of Nyeri to achieve progressive socio-economic growth by running an open government.


  1. Patriotism – Our devotion to the county and its aspirations will be manifested in what we say and what we do.
  2. Innovativeness – We nurture and support creativity and the development of new ideas, products, and processes in the delivery of services.
  3. Teamwork We deliberately work together, collaboratively, and across sectors to deliver services to the citizens of Nyeri and win their approval.
  4. Integrity – We are open, honest, and trustworthy in dealing with all our stakeholders and especially the citizenry at all times.
  5. Accountability – We honor our commitments to our stakeholders by doing what we say we will do.